Armour Revamp v0.1.0 #

Name               Cost            AC Modifier         Str Req. StealthPenalty Weight 
 Light Armour
Padded          | 5 gp    |     11 + Dex Modifier     |   —    | Disadvantage | 6 lb.
Leather         | 20 gp   |     11 + Dex Modifier     |   —    |      —       | 10 lb.
Studded Leather | 45 gp   |     12 + Dex Modifier     |   —    |      —       | 13 lb.

 Medium Armour
Hide            | 10 gp   | 12 + Dex Modifier (max 2) |   —    |      —       | 12 lb.
Chain Shirt     | 50 gp   | 13 + Dex Modifier (max 2) |   —    |      —       | 20 lb.
Scale mail      | 50 gp   | 14 + Dex Modifier (max 2) |   —    | Disadvantage | 45 lb.
Breastplate     | 400 gp  | 14 + Dex Modifier (max 2) |   —    |      —       | 20 lb.
Half plate      | 750 gp  | 15 + Dex Modifier (max 2) |   —    | Disadvantage | 40 lb.

 Heavy Armour
Ring mail       | 30 gp   |            14             |   —    | Disadvantage | 40 lb.
Chain mail      | 75 gp   |            16             | Str 13 | Disadvantage | 55 lb.
Splint          | 200 gp  |            17             | Str 15 | Disadvantage | 60 lb.
Plate           | 1500 gp |            18             | Str 15 | Disadvantage | 65 lb.

Buckler         | 10 gp   |            +1             |   —    |      —       | 2 lb.
Simple Shield   | 10 gp   |            +2             |   —    |      —       | 6 lb.
Sturdy Shield   | 40 gp   |            +3             | Str 13 |      —       | 18 lb.
Tower Shield    | 100 gp  |            +4             | Str 15 | Disadvantage | 30 lb.

 Expansion Armours (Exotic)

Should check back on the weights of these. This table should represent Fine Craftsmanship Armour. Not pinnacle of design, but certainly something worth getting your hands on (players would want this as the standard option). This implies that Lower Quality Armour will be heavier while not giving additional AC bonus. It’ll also have the same price point due to material costs. In fact Fine Craftsmanship Armour may be cheaper material-wise but more expensive in Craftsman Cost. Many very important factors that determine the protection capability of real armour: